Making Memories

Dear C-Tow community, Here we are, right in the middle of the best parts of summer. Maybe this has happened to you already, or maybe it’s coming: one of those days on the water where…

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C-Tow Connections – July 2021

As avid marine enthusiasts we always keep an eye out for informative and interesting news and advice from the global boating community! We’re pleased to share our favourite bookmarks with you, from online articles to…

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Tipsy Corner: Understanding Tidal Terms and Tables

Bruce Stott is president and chief instructor of Gulf Islands Cruising School Ltd. in Sidney, BC. He’s sharing his know-how, to improve safe navigation for everyone. If you are navigating a boat in coastal waters,…

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Lake Erie Salvages a Reminder: Safety First!

Safety while you’re boating is more important than anything else, something Captain Darin Alderton of C-Tow Windsor is underlining this season.  As reported by CTV, Captain Darin and a handful of other mariners on-scene helped…

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Captain Highlight: Andrew Newman

White Rock, British ColumbiaAndrew Newman knows a lot about water safety. He served as a rescue volunteer with the Royal Canadian Marine Service and Rescue (RCM-SAR) for a decade.  He also owns and operates White…

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Wayward Life Sailing: Living off the Land on a Wooden Schooner, Part 2

Read Part One here! The skies were grey and raining on the day we left with our oyster harvest. Despite the weather, we were in good spirits — minus our captain Marty who, after a…

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Sailing Magic Carpet: Setting Sail for New Shores

I grew up on the shores of British Columbia. This rugged coastline instilled in me a deep appreciation for boats and off grid adventure. I went kayaking nearly every day in the summer. I regularly…

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Safety First: It’s Not Just a Phrase

Dear C-Tow Community, Summer is in full swing and with the season comes many, many reminders to stay safe. Why do we talk so much about safety? Well, it’s because we see what happens when…

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C-Tow Connections – June 2021

As avid marine enthusiasts we always keep an eye out for informative and interesting news and advice from the global boating community! We’re pleased to share our favourite bookmarks with you, from online articles to…

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Tipsy Corner | CSBC: Stay Safe – Stay Separated – Have Fun!

Safe Boating Awareness Week, at the end of May, is a key part of boating safety every year as the season begins in earnest. For 2021, the Canadian Safe Boating Council reached out to boaters…

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