C-Tow Connections – October 2021

As avid marine enthusiasts we always keep an eye out for informative and interesting news and advice from the global boating community! We’re pleased to share our favourite bookmarks with you, from online articles to…

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Tipsy Corner: What to do if You Run Aground

We’ve seen a lot of stuck boats, all across the country. And, while we’re always happy to help, we know that running aground is stressful. We are here with tips to keep your boat floating!…

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Getting Unstuck in Niagara-on-the-Lake

Have you ever wondered what a salvage job actually entails? C-Tow Toronto and other Ontario C-Tow captains played a part in freeing a 35-foot sailboat that ran aground on a sandbar in Niagara-on-the-Lake in early…

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C-Tow Captain Highlight – Mike Walsh

Mike Walsh Sooke, BC Born and raised around the Great Lakes region, I have always been drawn to the water.  Through my childhood and teen years, we would spend the day down at the water’s…

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Wayward Life Sailing: An Entire Meal Prepared Zero Waste From the Ocean

Picture this.  It’s 5 p.m. You haven’t been to a grocery store in weeks. You’ve almost completely run out of fresh veggies because you live on a boat and it doesn’t have enough room in…

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Sailing Magic Carpet: A Journey Through Europe — by Boat

Did you know you can cross Europe, from the Mediterranean to the North Sea, by boat? Well you can, and it’s a giant adventure.  My husband Aladino and I had spent the past two years…

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Saying Goodbye to Summer

After an exciting season of boating, it’s autumn again! Many of the inshore Coast Guard stations are finished operations for the year, a sure sign that boating is wrapping up in Canada’s interior waters. Our…

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C-Tow Connections – September 2021

As avid marine enthusiasts we always keep an eye out for informative and interesting news and advice from the global boating community! We’re pleased to share our favourite bookmarks with you, from online articles to…

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Tipsy Corner: Enjoy an Extended Boating Season, Safely

There’s a lot to be said for autumn boating — excellent views, quieter waters, and for anglers, a chance to fish longer. The trade-off with a slower fall season, however, is that there are fewer…

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C-Tow Nanaimo Hard at Work

August was a busy month for C-Tow Nanaimo and Captain Evan Hogarth! On August 12, C-Tow Nanaimo, Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 27 and Port of Nanaimo patrol vessels responded to a mayday…

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