C-Tow Connections – December 2020

This month, we’re looking back at some of what C-Tow has shared with our community in 2020.  Convincing Your Better Half to Be Your First Mate If your partner is anxiously envisioning piles of bills…

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The Future of Sustainable Boating

In order to enjoy the blue waters of Canada, we as boaters need to think green. As an individual mariner, you may already be recycling where you can, choosing eco-friendly products, and avoiding marine waste….

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Boating Changes Underway at Transport Canada

Anyone who operates a pleasure craft or wants to do so in the future should take note of changes underway at Transport Canada. The agency, which develops and maintains regulations, standards, policies and guidelines around…

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Make Your Winterizing List (and Check it Twice!)

If you have yet to winterize your boat, or if you’re wondering whether or not you actually crossed off every winterizing task, we’re here to help. Much like Santa Claus himself, we frequently find ourselves…

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The Dismasting of Jean-du-Sud

Courtesy Ontario Sailor By Yves Gelinas Ocean, Bass Strait, the Tasman Sea and entered the Pacific Ocean. On Feb. 15 1982, after 156 days at sea, I was 700 miles east of New Zealand, on…

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Ringing Out 2020

To our C-Tow community, We bring you good tide-ings in this last month of 2020, a year like none other. While we are certain there are many of you who felt like these last many…

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C-Tow Connections – November 2020

As avid marine enthusiasts we always keep an eye out for informative and interesting news and advice from the global boating community! We’re pleased to share our favourite bookmarks with you, from online articles to…

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Master the Art of Docking

Hi everyone, I would like to introduce myself and what I do.  My name is Marco Coda and I am a Sail Canada Instructor Evaluator. My cruising certifications include Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Cruising as well…

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Say it Ain’t Snow! Common Boat Winterizing Mistakes

Before you get your vessel shrink wrapped, tarped, up on stands or some combination of the three, think ahead to what might happen when the snow falls. There are a few common boat winterizing mistakes…

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Safely Disposing of Marine Flares

If you are prepping your boat to come out of the water for winter, or simply doing a bit of fall clean-up, you might be wondering what to do with expired marine flares.  Each flare…

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