This month, we’re looking back at some of what C-Tow has shared with our community in 2020.
Convincing Your Better Half to Be Your First Mate
If your partner is anxiously envisioning piles of bills or skyrocketing insurance premiums from an on-water incident requiring marine assistance, or playing out an Oscars-worthy dramatic water rescue scene in their mind, well, that’s what C-Tow is for.
The common thread we are hearing is that we are all in uncharted waters. It’s a nautical term that is gaining in popularity in these daunting times, representing a collective unease with handling new and unknown areas.
Here are the key points to know: we are a company built on helping everyday people navigate through stressful on water situations, including literal uncharted areas.
Keeping Waters Clean for Marine Mammals
As boaters, we share the magic of being on the water with all kinds of marvelous marine mammals. To keep them safe, it’s our responsibility to try not to disturb them, and to help keep their world cleaner by minimizing marine pollution from our boats.
All Hands on Deck as C-Tow Members Assist in Marine Rescue
In the dark and swelly night we launched our dinghy as coming alongside with our vessel would have been way too dangerous. They gathered a few personal belongings (a day pack each), climbed into our dinghy and we circled back around, grabbed the dinghy line and brought all four of them onboard Sanssouci to await the arrival of the Coast Guard.