To our C-Tow community,
Over the last several weeks we’ve received countless messages from businesses sharing their approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across Canada and the world. We’re certain you have been inundated with emails and messaging as well.
C-Tow has refrained from sending messages on COVID-19 related topics as this is not our area of specialty and have been relying on Canadian health professionals to keep us educated on this topic.
Our aim is not to overwhelm you with yet another coronavirus notice, but to offer you as much information as we have about how this virus is impacting the Canadian boating community thus far.
The common thread we are hearing is that we are all in uncharted waters. It’s a nautical term that is gaining in popularity in these daunting times, representing a collective unease with handling new and unknown areas.
Here are the key points to know: we are a company built on helping everyday people navigate through stressful on water situations, including literal uncharted areas.
You may be feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious about what the upcoming season holds, as we are as well. We understand this deeply and are experiencing it with you.
As you watch and wait to see how governments will approach boating in a time of social distancing, we are doing the same. We, as much as you, look forward to heading out in our boats to enjoy fresh air, blue waters, and a change of scenery.
Is C-Tow in Operation?
We want to reassure Canadian boaters that our marine service sector is currently permitted to remain operating. This means that we are in full operation as we have been since 1984. Our captains have been prepped with extra safety measures for their protection and yours. Our services typically do not require close contact with our clients, but in light of COVID-19 we assure you that we will adhere to all physical distancing requirements.
Can I Use My Boat?
You may be left wondering if you will be able to launch, dock, or use your boat any time soon. Some marinas are shutting down indefinitely out of an abundance of caution. Others are closing temporarily, while still others are allowing for docking and launching with minimal contact. Some marinas are focusing on launching and moorage for essential marine services. While we are carefully monitoring how COVID-19 is impacting boating, and working to communicate these developments to you, we encourage you to follow up with your usual marina or boat launch to find out what their approach is.
How Can I Stay Safe on My Boat?
If you are permitted to use your boat, please do so with a safety-first approach. Beyond the usual need for lifejackets and other safety precautions, COVID-19 calls for boating with a focus on physical distancing. That means taking steps like:
- Avoiding congregating on the water — don’t raft-up!
- As physical distancing means sticking with your household, ensure only household members are on your boat.
- Keep your distance while launching, fuelling, or otherwise handling your boat in public, populated areas. Give a wide berth to everyone.
- After you have been in a public place, like a marina, wash or sanitize your hands.
- Plan ahead. You do not want to put anyone else in needless danger if you run into problems on the water. Our captains are ready and prepared to safely assist you — don’t call a friend or family member.
- Please pay close attention to Canadian Heath Officials as policies and regulations may change.
We are hopeful that we can all enjoy calmer waters in the future. Until then, know that as long as we are permitted to render marine assistance, we are here to help.