To our C-Tow community,
We bring you good tide-ings in this last month of 2020, a year like none other. While we are certain there are many of you who felt like these last many months would never end, here we are in December, with holiday festivities firmly in our sights.
December often feels like a bookend, a time to look back on what has transpired over the past 12 months, and also a time to look ahead to what the next spin around the sun will bring. We’re sharing stories of both kinds in this issue. Our goal is to celebrate the good, interesting, and newsworthy happenings of the year, while helping you get ready for another spectacular season in 2021.
We know better than to predict what will come in the new year, but our resolution remains the same — to do all we can to ensure you and every Canadian mariner enjoy your time spent on our waters. We’re eager to close this year out with cheer, and to start anew in 2021.
Wishing you luck with whatever coats your boat (be it snow, ice, or maybe even sunshine for those of you who may have made it to warm locales!).
Yours in boating and see you next year,