To our valued C-Tow community,
It’s hard to believe it’s been about three months since we penned our letter on COVID-19 when we were reeling from the sudden changes thrown our way. It is very similar to navigating the waters off Pt. Grey after a spring high tide, with all the driftwood to puzzle your way through. If you’re in the same boat as us, every week flies by in a flurry of government announcements, regulatory changes, and all of the chaos the coronavirus has left in its wake.
Since our first COVID-19 message, some of those often-mentioned uncharted waters became a bit more navigable. Marinas and boat launches eventually opened up, and all of our operators successfully launched, on time and ready to respond.
For many marine-based businesses this has been a year where you sink or swim, and we’ve been able to swim. We’re pleased to say that our captains have very been busy in lakes, rivers and oceans across Canada, showing just how resilient Canadian mariners truly are. Without you enduring the COVID-19 storm, we would not have been this successful.
We recently found an article, by way of Boating Ontario, from Boater Kids, which neatly sums up exactly why boating is so important, now more than ever;
“Boating has always been a welcome escape from the stress and anxiety from our everyday lives. But now more than ever, your boat becomes a place of tranquility and peace.
Anticipating the arrival of boating season has been the light at the end of the tunnel for boaters. Feeling the fresh air, seeing the sights of nature and listening to the gentle flow of water can be a big stress reliever after experiencing months of quarantine.”
Now, as we leave the hectic pace of spring behind and enter into summer and the full swing of boating season, we wanted to take the opportunity to check in with you. We know that, despite some re-openings and more freedoms to get out on the water, it has not been normal sailing for everyone, and might not be for a while. If there’s something we can do to help you trim your sails and adapt to these new conditions, let us know.
As we all navigate these next few months and beyond, remember that we’re in it with you, through thick and thin. C-Tow is committed to service, and we’re committed to our customers.