Whatever floats your boat
A Rescue Story from C-Tow Captain Roger Cheer
The morning of August 19 I received a call from the call center. We have a sunken boat at Prescott Marina . It’s a 27 foot Baja , sunk at the dock. Pictures, and contact information on its way. After speaking to the owner about the salvage , it was time to get to work.

This is going to be a wet one! On top of swimming, it was a heavy storms and rain day! I was so grateful, that I had Pat and Jamie. We are all like minded, accepting the challenge! Having the tow boat at the ready, we still needed to load up ,the pumps and come alongs . The 2 hour drive allowed us to organize ourselves, to do the job . We were to meet the boat owners’ friend Guido at the Marina. Guido took us to the boat slip, this allowed us to see what we had to work with. Then Guido escorted us to the boat launch.
At the launch we unloaded the C-Tow boat and got ready to work. The sunken boat was about 1km from the boat launch. Down river we went to the Prescott Marina.

Upon arrival, the youngest man on board was ‘voluntold’ to take on the swimming role. Jamie quickly and efficiently hooked the lift lines to the boat’s cleats. The pumps were flowing and the boat was floating in no time.
Although an awkward and tight tow out of the marina, we made it upstream to the boat launch where we met Guido, the owner’s friend.

We loaded the Baja onto the trailer without incident until we realized we had no keys to lift the outdrive. No keys, no problem!!! Jamie’s electrical engineering technology experience enabled us to raise the outdrive quickly. With a few odd looks from Guido and onlookers, the job was complete!!! The boat was off to the shop to have fluids drained.
Captain Roger and his shivering freezing crew headed home with the heat on full blast. One more summer salvage was in the books.