
At C-Tow we pride ourselves in the variety of services offered and in our ability to deliver on those services quickly. At C-Tow we know that when you’re calling for help – time matters. Have questions about the services C-Tow Marine Assistance provides? Check out our FAQs page, pick up the phone or send us an email.

Member RatesNon-member Rates
Tow Service – All rates are Dock to Dock
1/2 hourFree$135.00
1/4 hourFree$67.50
Dive service/hour$250.00$250.00
Lift bags
Small lift bags$200.00$200.00
Large lift bags$300.00$300.00

Marine Salvage

There are many myths and misconceptions about Marine Salvage. C-Tow defines Marine Salvage as the act of reflecting, patching, stabilizing, dislodging or engaging any other means to save, secure, resurrect and or prevent further harm to any sea going vessel, that is otherwise inoperable. 

C-Tow does not charge based on value or length of vessel. C-Tow charges on a per hour basis at a base rate of $400. Equipment such as de-watering pumps and lift bags are also charged out on a hourly per use basis. 

C-Tow marine salvage
C-Tow marine salvage
C-Tow marine salvage