C-Tow Captains Call: Marine Assistance Above – and Below – the Surface

Some calls for C-Tow’s Canada-wide fleet of captains are routine, others, well, not so much. Regardless, its expert team has a solid track record of completing many forms of on-water assistance. It’s a service not…

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Staying Positive when Everything is going Wrong

Staying positive when nothing will go right can sometimes feel like the biggest hurdle to get past during our time as a sailor. It is easy to fall into the trap of getting down on…

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 Where Cruisers and Racers Unite in Ontario’s Sailing Paradise 

 Georgian Bay Regatta  | July 31 to August 4, 2024  Thrills and Tranquility: For racing enthusiasts, the Georgian Bay Regatta is the ultimate test of skill and strategy. From seasoned veterans to eager newcomers, sailors…

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C-Tow Captain’s Call: Last Minute Emergency on Lake Erie

C-Tow Marine Assistance is available to recreational and commercial boaters across major and rural waterways in Canada. I am just one of two captains on Lake Erie alone and based out of Port Rowan where…

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C-Tow Captain’s Call: A Combined C-Tow Effort in Vancouver Harbour

I have been working for C-Tow out of Deep Cove in North Vancouver, BC, since 2021. After several rescues, my most memorable was a call from an owner of a 1964 56-foot Monk motoryacht, explaining…

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Challenges of re rigging your sailboat

Being new owners of a 40 year old boat with original rod rigging meant we had to seriously consider a re-rig sooner rather than later. For us tackling a re-rig seemed like a little too…

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MUST SEE in the Southern Bahamas

With nearly 700 islands in the Bahamas it is easy to wonder where to sail to. There are just so many choices from inhabited islands to remote and wild islands. After sailing around the Bahamas…

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Grizzly Gazing from Hot Springs

Green grass rings the high-tide line, the air is still and misty and it smells fresh of salt-marsh. The bay echoes with bird calls, mainly gulls in a frenzy over critters being revealed as the…

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How to Provision for the Bahamas

How to Provision for the Bahamas  If you are on budget and going to go sailing to the Bahamas for a cruising season follow these guidelines. The Bahamas are gorgeous tropical islands which come at…

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Overwhelmed by boat project blues

Does your to-do list never seem to end? Are you constantly finally checking off one job only to have 5 more take its place? Do you find yourselves wondering just how in the world this…

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