Dear C-Tow community,
Here we are, right in the middle of the best parts of summer. Maybe this has happened to you already, or maybe it’s coming: one of those days on the water where you look around and know that you’ve had a day that will stick in your memories for years to come.
Hopefully, the memories you’re making are ones you will remember for all of the right reasons! Our story from Sailing Magic Carpet is a great example of that magic, with Maya sharing a moment in time and a passage that felt surreal. Now, you don’t have to be travelling to Sicily to experience the same — even a simple day on your local waterway can develop into a ‘remember when’ that leaves you with warm feelings.
Sometimes, as we at C-Tow know well, however, the memories stick around because you’ve made it through an experience that’s more harrowing than happy! This month, Wayward Life Sailing shares their own tale of things going wrong, albeit with a happy ending. Those happy endings, even on the roughest days, are what we strive to deliver through C-Tow.
You may encounter weather, mechanical issues, and other unavoidable dramas, but with marine assistance on call, you’ll come out of it with a story that might just become legendary in your own circles.
Of course, we want all of your stories to be good ones, which is why we’re in the business of peace of mind on the water. Ideally, every day on the water is a great one — and for when they’re not, there’s no need to panic, because C-Tow has your back.
We’re thankful to play a small part in making your boating memorable. Any time you need us, give us a call! And, feel free to share your boating stories with us any time.