The Staande Mastroute

What I enjoy the most about sailing are the random interactions with other people and sailors. It’s always a joy to hear the stories of others and where they have been. Plus, you never know,…

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When Lightning Strikes

One last ear shattering bang and all the lights went out. We just got struck by lightning!” Alex said in a shaky voice. Panic quickly set in while we tried to work out what to…

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Don’t worry, these back-to-school perks aren’t just for students Whether you’re getting ready for the classroom or learning at home, these back-to-school perks are perfect.

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The Longest Tow in C-Tow History Has Been Set at 200 Nautical Miles!

C-Tow Captains Melissa Curtis, Pasha Barlak, and Owen Barlak complete the most extensive direct tow managing tides, currents, and unforeseen marine conditions from Sointula, BC to Richmond.   From where we are based in Central…

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The Faroe Islands: An Impromptu Magical Adventure!

If you told me before we set sail that I could have too much sun and heat, I would have called you crazy.  Well, apparently I am crazy!  After sweating for a year and half sailing around the Caribbean, I can…

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How to sail from Canada to the Caribbeans

 Many of us Canadian sailors want to extend the cruising season and escape the icy water. Sailing the Caribbeans or US coast then becomes very enticing as you can live on your boat year long…

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Sailing Jibsea exploring and discovering Scotland - standing over cliff watching the view of the coast line

Cruising Scotland

One of my favourite cruising grounds on this side of the pond so far has been Scotland! If somewhere is remote and beautiful, like the areas of Scotland that I really enjoyed, it’s going to…

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Wildly Intrepid Sailing - Falling in LOVE with CRUISING

Falling in LOVE with CRUISING

When my partner and I first considered buying a sailboat as a means to travel the world instead of backpacking, it was all very foreign to me. To be honest I had no idea if…

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We’ve partnered with Perkopolis to bring our members exclusive deals, discounts and savings on items, travel, and perks that you’re already using. It pays to be a C-Tow member! 

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Jibsea Anchoring 101

Hello fellow sailors and like minded friends, Let’s talk about anchoring!  How to feel safe and sleep like a baby. What’s the proper way to anchor? What are things I need to take into account…

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