Much like a proactive mariner scans the horizon, we like to scan the internet to find links, articles, and conversations that are of interest to boaters. Check out these C-Tow Connections to learn more about what’s going on in the boating world.
- “Why Are Boat Shows Held in the Middle of Winter?” From being the first in line for a thrilling new product, to taking advantage of the perfect timing to buy a new boat, here are all the reasons why boat shows happen in the coming months — and why you should attend! (Pssst, remember we’ll be at the Toronto Boat Show and various other events!)
- “A solar-powered boat abandoned in Canada washed ashore in Ireland” Read this enticing story about a houseboat that made its way from Newfoundland to Ireland across the Atlantic.
- “All-female lobster crew making waves as the season begins in Nova Scotia” The Nellie Row set out for the season in November with an all-female crew.
- “This cat came back, but only after stowing away on a fishing boat” Another East Coast story, this time featuring Hank the cat and his grand adventure.