Ahoy, captains and crew mates! We’re right in the middle of boat show season, a thrilling time for us as we connect with fellow mariners around the country, playing our part in ensuring that we all have as much worry free fun as possible on the water.
We enjoyed our time at the Toronto, Halifax, and Vancouver boat shows and we’re motoring forward to many other shows across the nation, including Belleville, Kingston, and the BC Boat Show in Sidney.
There are many reasons to check out a boat show — maybe you’ve got your eye on a new vessel, perhaps you want to upgrade your existing craft with some new goodies, or you could just be window shopping and checking out all that this vibrant, innovative industry has to offer. Whatever brings you by a boat show, we’re happy to offer you a smile, handshake, and more information about what we can do for you, on and off the water.
As the shows on our calendar come up, we’re sharing show guides and other information on our social media to help you navigate. There is a lot to see at any boat show, even the smaller ones, so we suggest you make a list of your must-see booths and plot your course to include C-Tow.
Happy boating — and happy boat show-ing, too!