To our C-Tow community,
Are you down in the doldrums dealing with coronavirus information everywhere you turn? We understand how you’re feeling.
You may have seen our previous message specifically about how we’re responding to COVID-19 (if not, we’re sharing it again!). But to sum it up, we don’t want to fill your inbox with pandemic news (odds are it’s already getting full!) and we aren’t health experts; we’d rather leave that to the professionals and focus on boating.
That being said, as long as C-Tow is permitted to operate we will be keeping calm and carrying on, providing the same dependable marine assistance on which you have come to rely. Our captains are prepped with extra safety measures for their protection and yours, and while we’d love to greet you with a handshake we will be keeping physical distance while doing our jobs.
As we all trim our sails and adapt to this new situation, we want you to know that we are aiming to strike a balance between giving you the information you need, and focusing on the joys of boating still in the offing. May we all have fair winds and following seas.