Sailors who meet one another on the water have an often unspoken but much-revered tradition. We raise our hands and wave, not just to say hello, but to assure one another that all is well on board. These quick passes as we are off to our destinations offers an opportunity for camaraderie, but perhaps more importantly, a way to ask for help and receive it if things are not ship-shape.
As we all know, 2020 was a challenging year for many. Perhaps you were someone who raised both hands and waved for help, or maybe you were able to render assistance. By taking the time to check in on one another, we lighten the load. For this, we are proud of the boating community, and proud to be a part of it after this year spent navigating the strange and murky waters of 2020.
As the saying goes, hindsight is 2020, but if there is anything the past year taught us it is that it’s impossible to fully predict what can happen over the course of a year. The key is to be prepared as much as possible, and to react to all obstacles with agility and determination. We have provided some information and inspiration this month to start 2021 on a positive, prepared, and determined note.
Truly, we are all preparing for the next adventures that wait on the water, wishing for good weather, easy navigation, and smooth sailing. C-Tow can be a part of those preparations, ensuring peace of mind and access to the assistance you need, when you need it. Let’s sail into this new year together!
Yours in boating,